The official shirts of Panathinaikos for the new 2020-21season are now available for our fans! The famous Italian class and the premium quality stamp of Kappa highlight on the new kits of the Shamrock, very warmly welcomed by the fans, as the first selling days through online store showed.
Our home shirt holds the evolution of last year’s concept. Panathinaikos is strengthening its links with the past, in harmony, developing a modern touch. The jersey has two basic colors in two different hues of green, in vertical shapes. There are also white details in both the main body and the vertical lines, the neckline and the sleeve bottom (produced in one piece of fabric, offering comfort and agility). The Shamrock, situated always on the side of the heart is white, printed in a 3D silicone design. Finally, on the back side of the jersey, between the shoulders, the word “Panathinaikos FC” appears in golden letters, to remind the semi-centennial jubilee since the epic era of Wembley in 1971!
The shirt of 1984-85 season, the first most important for our team´s European course, after Greek football became professional, has always been a source of inspiration!
The shirt costs 49,99€. Kid sizes cost 44,99€.
The away match kit is ivory, close to white in the color palette, with thin vertical green stripes on the shirt. The main color is not the one you can find in the stores. It was designed from the very beginning by Kappa for Panathinaikos’ exclusive use. The collar is green in a V shape, as the sleeve bottom is. The Shamrock is green, of course, placed on the side of the heart. The word “Panathinaikos FC” is written in golden letters, as well and appears on the back side between the shoulders.
The shirt costs 49,99€. Kid sizes cost 44,99€.
The third kit is grey with many details and a big vertical stripe on the left side. This stripe is covered by many shamrocks, where the green emblem of our team highlights. Additional green details appear at the bottom of the collar and on the sleeve bottom.
The shirt costs 49,99€. Kid sizes cost 44,99€.
All three shirts have something very original. The golden letters are written in Braille fonts, giving a reading possibility to people with sight problems. The shirts carry fonts designed exclusively for Panathinaikos, as well.
An additional detail concerning the three shirts is that on the front interior side the first words of Panathinaikos’ anthem: “This is a Great Club second to none”, are knitted. Thus, when players wear the shirt they will see the words that have a very important meaning for our Panathinaikos!
The shirts are manufactured using the “Combat Pro” technology.
This season Panathinaikos is going to use the anniversary shirt of Kappa, so much loved by our fans due to its design with the large green and white vertical stripes and the traditional emblem of our Club.
Concerning the goalkeepers there are three kits, one in black, one in light green and one in gray.