Vangelis Panakis born in 8 of June 1933 and since then dedicated his life in our Club.
He began his football career at PAO Kalogrezas. In 1951 he joined Panathinaikos and immediately stood out for his talent. In the beginning, he played as a left winger and later on as a forward, because of his impressive speed and power.
Vangelis Panakis had a leading personality and a true love for the”Shamrock”. Together with Kostas Linoxylakis, was the pillar of Panathinaikos’ famous team in the beginning of ’60s that managed to win unbeatable the Championship in 1964. This is a record that still remains unique in the Greek football history.
Vangelis Panakis was also well known with the nickname “Bulldoze” because of his well built body.His statistics show the truth about his important career with 91 appearances and 57 goals in the A’ National League and 82 appearances and 31 goals during the pre-A’ National League. In total, with Panathinaikos in the Championship, in the Cup and in Europe he scored 112 goals and is the 5th best scorer in our history.
Panakis won 6 championships (1952-53, 1959-60, 1960-61, 1961-62, 1963-64, 1964-65) and 1 Cup (1955), while he played 14 times with National Team of Greece and he scored 5 goals.

He finished his football career in 1965, having played only for the “Shamrock”. By then, he was 32 years old and his body was pretty stressed and wounded. Panakis continued as a coach and also he became a founding member and the first chairman of Pantahinaikos Veterans Association.
We express our condolences to his family and we will be in charge for the expenses of his funeral. Vangelis Panakis will always be in our hearts and in our thoughts as a really great Panathinaikos athlete and man.