In his first statements, made shortly after he signed his agreement with our team, the new football player of Panathinaikos, Victor Ibarbo, the Colombian ace, gave some new ideas concerning the new season. He revealed to what he would like to do, the contribution of Andrea Stramaccioni for the completion of the agreement and how “hungry” he feels to achieve titles with the “Shamrock “!

Victor, following your second transition in Atlético Nacional, you are back to Europe again, this time on behalf of Panathinaikos. Which are your thoughts and your targets now?

“I was dreaming to come back to Europe and it is very important that this happened with such a big club like Panathinaikos. Certainly my intention is to win every game when I am on the pitch and of course I want to help my new team to succeed in all the competitions we are going to participate. According to what I know, during these last season’s titles are rather few”.

The team and the coach made clear from the first moment that you are the player number one for the attack. Is this stressing you or it gives you additional responsibilities?

“I know very well Andrea Stramaccioni and I think he has very good criteria in selecting players. On the other hand, I wouldn’t say I feel some extra … duties but I feel a great responsibility as I want to achieve faithfully the aims of my new team. I want to fulfill the expectations and do what I am going to be asked for!”.

The fans have already formed their opinion on you concerning your competences, thanks to your great career. How do you “describe” yourself?

“Is this good… (laughing). The elements which characterize me are the happiness I have for football as well as my faith in my teammates, in God and at the effort. I never give up! About the rest… we will see … in due time”.

The players that come on loan are usually seen with reservation by the fans, though your transfer to Panathinaikos was received from the fans of our team with impatience… Would you like to send them a message?

“First and foremost, I would like our fans to support the effort of the team. They must be confident that this season will be our very special one! Regarding the players on loan, as you mentioned before, bear in mind that all players want permanently to offer and serve the team they were transferred to and simultaneously to play well on a personal level. This is something I am looking forward as well …”.